
Six Stages of HR Analytics Team Maturity – Demystified

In today’s fast-moving and competitive environment, to succeed and help the organization grow faster, most of the HR leaders and top executives are taking HR Analytics seriously. Organizations are aware it’s people who bring success to their business and that is why HR Analytics Team maturity stage plays a [...]

Redefine Your Employee Survey for better HR Analytics!

This write-up gives a clear insight into how redefining employee survey at each stage of their important lifecycle can be of advantage to the HR Analytics team and overall organization. I usually call these employee satisfaction and engagement survey data as Goldmine data for [...]

The Beginner’s guide on HR Analytics

HR Analytics, also known as People Analytics or Talent Analytics, is the systematic analysis and application of data that influences human capital to drive strategic decisions and maximize return on investment, while always emphasizing the human element inherent in HR. -Prabhakar Pandey As an outcome, organizations are able to [...]

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